1990年《美国移民归化法案》创立了职业移民第五优先或 EB-5投资移民类别。依据EB-5法律规定,每年将发放10,000个美国移民签证,用于以下目的:
- 参与新的商业企业运作;
- 投资资本大于500,000美元;
- 可以为他人创造至少10个全职就业岗位,不包括投资者的直系亲属。
In effort to implement hygiene and social distancing recommendations from the CDC, our office has temporarily put in place a no in-person appointment policy. We will continue to deliver quality legal services and will be responsive to the needs of our clients during this time.
1990年《美国移民归化法案》创立了职业移民第五优先或 EB-5投资移民类别。依据EB-5法律规定,每年将发放10,000个美国移民签证,用于以下目的: